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Muthoni Drummer Queen (MDQ) in partnership with Gigs Dynamics, #TEAMADELLE and Kipaji Entertainment present the #ME2MDQTOUR.

The tour comprises 33 shows in 33 different universities and colleges across Kenya. Starting at Jomo Kenyatta University Juja on September 13th and running to December 17th, MDQ will take her exhilarating live show and combine it with a mentorship project for university and college students across Kenya.

At each university MDQ will lead one-on-one bonding session with students to share thoughts and ideas around enterprise and talent related questions.  MDQ will also be sharing the stage at each university with talent from the particularly university.

She explained the reason for #ME2MDQ tour was born from a desire for her to connect and interact with university students all over Kenya, sharing her music and her experience on the entrepreneur journey in the entertainment industry. As well as to create a new platform that will enable Kenyan artists to perform their music to a university/college fan base.


I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of buzzcentral.co.ke. As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.

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