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Three day after Madonna visited one of Africa’s biggest slums, Kibera where she had gone to see how she could improve the lives of its residents, Kenyan rapper Octopizzo is displeased especially after the singer shared a photo on her social media of a sewage trench in Kibera and captioned, “Imagine this is where your water comes from! @shofco is working to change this in Kibera, Africa’s largest slum.

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The rapper took to his social media to school her, “So Apparently when I was Away @Madonna came to Kibera and said we drink water from Mtaro, let me school you for a minute, it’s ok if you wanna fundraise and all that shit, Intelligence arouses fear and respect, the lack of it keeps one on the narrow minded road of disrespect, stupidity and inferiority complex.
But next time do your research before you disrespect a whole community like that, I’m not a good writer but I wish I was there to tell you on your face.
#Chocolatecity is home of talent, Hard working Women & Men, Beautiful amazing kids. You didn’t see all that? One who enjoys finding errors will then start creating errors.
And to my Kibera people Don’t you ever! devalue yourself, you are the world’s most precious stone.
#8Town #ProudKibera #8 #Nuafrica

Pop star Madonna and First Ladt Margaret Kenyatta during her visit to Kenya.

Pop star Madonna and First Lady Margaret Kenyatta during her visit to Kenya.



I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of buzzcentral.co.ke. As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.

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