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From sharing sweet messages and throw back pictures of their moms, Sunday was all about Mother’s Day for most celebrities. Stars took to social media to share photos of their children, mothers and grandmothers to honor the holiday.

Grace Msalame

A Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms, grandma’s and mums who double up as both mom and dad! more grace and strength to you all. “Do not be so consumed with what you are lacking that you do not value what you have” A powerful quote by Sarah Jakes Roberts from her book Dear Mary about the life of Mary the mother of Jesus as she relates it to the modern day woman. She shares that powerful reminder to single parents who have moments when they feel like they are coming up short. Be encouraged and be grateful for the reward that God has given you, your children. Give it your best shot and let him be your guide. You are able, you are loved and you are mom! Happy Mother’s Day. Remember the greatest contribution you will ever make may not be something you do- but someone you Raise.


DJ Pierra

I had a dream of a perfect pregnancy. I had a set manual on how I’ll raise my children. I had a duty and role of a mom all figured out, easy and perfect. Then I became a Mom. Well the dream was a fantasy and the manual was a bluff. I thought for a minute I’d crash but then I realised I can give up or I can become great. I adjusted my crown and decided to be great I wrote my own manual and that’s the day I became a real mother. A hardcore one, a survivor and a lover! I love what I have become and I’m a proud Mom. I’d not trade this. Happy Mother’s Day to me.


Connie Aluoch

Happy Mother’s Day to my beautiful, strong inspiring mother. She is constantly praying for me, advising me and teaching me. I am the woman I am because of my Mother. God bless my mother and all mothers we love you.


Zawadi Nyong’o

Dear mummy, I bet you didn’t see this coming eh? A letter to you in the 7th Sense Communications newsletter, of all places! Being the private person that you are, I’m sure you are cringing right now. But I had to because you taught me to practice what I preach, and we are asking our readers to celebrate their moms. So I’m starting with you. Finding the words to thank and honor you for all that you are to me, our family, friends, and indeed many strangers in the world is no easy task. You are by far the most selfless, generous, patient, understanding, tolerant, gentle, compassionate, wise, diplomatic, loving, and beautiful women that I know. You have also been my biggest and most consistent support system and cheerleader. You accept me as I am, even when you don’t necessarily understand or approve of my ways. You have always believed in me.



Happy Mother’s Day to the one and only NyaBoro Bade Dongo! I miss you so much mum, I hope paps  and all the Angels are taking you out today & getting you anything you want Coz I’ll pay when I get there one day,if that place exists.Just know if you were here I’d taking anywhere in the world that you ever wished to go to have a Hood One!


I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of buzzcentral.co.ke. As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.

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