No woman should be attacked for her postbaby body and DJ Pierra stood for herself and other mothers as she refused to be body shamed by critiques.
Through a video she posted on her Instagram account she said, “As a mother to be honest with you, the last thing you should do is troll a mother, just because she gave birth that is not right. Mothers gain weight, mothers go through alot even post purtum depression the last thing they need is a woman or a man for that matter sitted in some office trying to say how bad they look. Not carvesious, not bootilicious and and you look like a burning whatever, please leave us alone and I am talking on behalf of all mothers out there. Any mother who has given birth and maybe you are not on your best and somebody is trying to say you look like this or that ignore it. It is not even worth it and for mothers out there you are sexy, you look good, it doesnt matter you give life and that is what I did and I am happy about that.”
“The last thing a person should tell a Mother is how bad she looks. . Putting her down is unfair and uncouth. This should stop..I speak as a mom! And kudos to all women and mothers looking gorgeous and bringing up beautiful children! !!! The beauty is in the children we have…. I was deeply hurt and I even let it out on my show @letstalkke tells you how emotional we get sometime ” she added.