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Kenya Fashion Awards (KFA) an initiative which honors and celebrates outstanding performance and excellence in the fashion industry has unveiled nominees for the year 2017 as it launched its 5th annual chapter at the Fairmont Norfolk in partnership with luxury Champagne House Moët & Chandon.

The Awards voting will take place for a period of three months on the same platform and can be done from any part of the world. The winners will be announced at a gala ceremony to be held on October 7.

Mr. Atman Ngau, Co-Director of Kenya Fashion Awards, said: “Kenya Fashion Awards is committed to developing excellence and growth in a sector that is a significant contributor to the Kenyan economy. We recognize, nurture, support and promote regional fashion talent to a global market through raising awareness of the importance of adaptation of local brands and highlighting Kenya and the East African region as the next fashion destination.”

Through an event dubbed Next Gen Fashion Weekend Africa, KFA has been able to create a platform for young people to explore their talents, showcase, gain experience and knowledge pertaining to the industry.

It is also a platform for them to compete based on the different themes and challenges presented to them annually, the shortlisted participants are judged by a panel of experts from the industry as well as relevant institutions and the winners of the competition awarded during the Gala. This year’s Next Gen Fashion Weekend will be held on August 4 and 5 at the Michael Joseph Centre and winners announced during the Gala.


Designer to watch 2017

Naomy Designs

Ogake Mochache

Azra Walji

Vaishali Morjaria

Anyango Mpinga

Wambui Kibue

EA Designer Of The Year 2017

Deepa Dosaja (Kenya)

John Kaveke (Kenya)

Narok NY (NY/Kenya)

Koki Designs (Ethiopia/Kenya)

Ali Rehmtullah (Tanzania)

Kasule Allan Raphael (Uganda)

Mizero Cedric (Rwanda)

Fashion Photographer of the Year 2017

Alloys Iteba

Eric Saganda

Andrew Mageto

Nick Clause

Thandiwe Muriu

Tint She

Make Up Artist of the Year 2017

Rose Ntong’ondu

Steve Koby

Nyanja Kobi

Kangai Mwiti


Joy Balogun

EA magazine with the best fashion segment

Drum (Kenya)

True Love (Kenya)

Fas Magazine (Tanzania)

African Woman (Uganda)

Couture Africa (Kenya)

Fashion Blogger Of the Year 2017

Lucia Musau

Thandiwe Eli Chep

Winnie the Fahionista

Anita Mogere

Winnie Odande

Ms. Kaela Mikaela

Fashion Stylist Of the Year 2017

Kevo Abbra

Amanda Lee

William Rodger Gitau

Lucy Robi

Brian Babu

Bryan Emry

Female model of the year 2017

Ajoh Kuch

Ciru Maina

Olive Sang

Anjili Laura

Mauryne Theo

Shanelle Nyasiase

Male model of the year 2017

Nelvin Chuma

Gabu Fords

Ken Fredrick

Kelvin Sting

Brian Onyango

Alvin Lee

Fashion Brand Of The Year 2017

Sand Storm Kenya

Rift Valley Leather


Bata Kenya

Lalesso (Kenya)


Jewelery/ Accessories Designer Of The Year 2017

Niku Channa

Adele Dejak



Ami Doshi Shah

Le Collane Di Betta

Newspaper with the best fashion segment (People’s Choice)

Eve Magazine( Nation)



The Star


The Ashian Weekly

S.T magazine


I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.

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