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Former transgender fashion choreographer Jaffar Jackson is now straight and he is set to get married to his baby mama.

In July of 2015, Jaffar declared that he was living in the wrong body for as long as he could remember and finally decided to open up, “Feeling like I have been living in the wrong body for as long as I can remember. Finally decided to open up to the word! ‪#‎Transitioning # He posted on Facebook.

But the 34-year-old fashion choreographer says he is now straight and ready to tie the knot with the mother of his son. “In 2012 I started my transition journey, and in 2015 is when I came out in public about my transition and that when everything blew up. Part of 2015 and 2016 was an eventful year for me. After going through the hormonal replacement therapy in South Africa, I went through a weird low and I attributed this to hormonal imbalance. But what’s even worse was the pressure I was getting from exterior forces and that’s the media, my friends and family, leading to depression. But it became worse and resulting to suicidal attempts.”

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Jackson did not seek any medical attention but instead he turned to alcohol, “I turned to alcohol and drugs to find solace. I also struggled with the fact that I finally had done what I always wanted and that’s to be female and that’s the transition, but I was not feeling at peace something was not right.”

He then tried to commit suicide four times, “The first attempt of committing suicide was when I was still in Nairobi I took many drugs at once and mix it up with a litre of Vodka. But it was a total fail as someone found me and I was rushed to hospital. The second time was six months down the line took rat poison but I always had alcohol to wash it down but my thinking at the time was even though I’m having it with something liquid it has alcohol so it will probably work faster.

But nothing happened. The third time I had rat poison but without anything, but one of my new made friends in Eldoret found me and a first aid was done as quick as possible so that failed too.  I tried to commit suicide the fourth time, bought a few depression pills to mix it all up but I gave up in the process, thinking it’s never that serious.

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But in August of 2016 Jackson got born again, at the Winner’s Chapel in Eldoret, “I stood at the pulpit laid down all my truths including my past and came back to Nairobi early this year to make peace with my family. My family did a welcome party for the prodigal son and it was an amazing reunion because I felt like I put them through a lot in the past with my actions.”

Jackson is no longer a transgender, he has a son and currently dating his mother who he met in church, “Yes I’m not transgender, I’m a man, I have a son now and I’m currently dating his mother and I’m hoping to marry her in the future. And the bottom line is I’m happy and have found peace.

I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of buzzcentral.co.ke. As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.

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