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Gospel hip-hop sensation Juliani will be launching a campaign on February 10, 2018 to unite Kenyans from all walks of life amidst the political tension post the 2017 general and repeat presidential election.

Dubbed Kenyan Love Story Festival, the campaign will see the artiste in partnership with other artistes and county governments lead Kenyans in celebrating our unique and diverse cultures through music, food and fashion.

This comes at a time when the country is still polarized over the 2017 General election and repeat presidential election.

The festival will take place at Kenyatta International Conference Center will bring together Gilad, H_Art the Band, Juliani, Mike Rua, Ayrosh, Nyota Ndogo, Mundu Mulusi, Dolla Kabary and other artistes.

For a very long time, we have always celebrated Valentine’s day with our loved ones – our girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands, wives. This year and for the very first time, we are adding a different twist to it. We will be leading Kenyans in celebrating our diversity as expressed through music, food and our different cultures,” notes Juliani.

Right now, the country is politically divided and so we are coming together as artistes to find a solution towards spreading love in the country. Next month – February is a month of love, so while we share our love with hubbies, let us also take some time and love our country and people. We have nowhere else to go,” he said.

We look forward to people turning up in large numbers as we celebrate our diversity and love through the Kenyan love story festival. The festival will provide an opportunity for us to reflect on our love for the country and people,” concluded Juliani.

The festival will culminate in a concert on Saturday, February 10.


I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of buzzcentral.co.ke. As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.

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