A Chinese man who is head over heels in love with Ngina Kenyatta has just two months to win the hand of Kenya’s First Daughter.
Zhe Fang Liu, a Chinese photographer, has been in the country for a couple of weeks in which time he fell in love with Ngina so hard her smile was enough to bowl him over.
The 28 year old who is touring Kenya until June told The Nairobian that “my uncle died recently and I needed time to figure out what was really important in my life. So I decided to come to Kenya because I’ve never been to Africa and I wanted to learn about Kenyan culture. When I arrived in Kenya, everyone always asks me one of two questions whenever they meet me.
First, do I know Kung Fu Second, am I married My mum also continuously asks when I’m going to get married. I just got overwhelmed and made the decision to tell people I’m going to the marry Ngina.”
Liu lives in America where he’s a full time photographer running his own agency in Los Angeles and China. He has been in America since his parents immigrated there when he was five and have been running a franchise of Chinese restaurants called Beijing Express.
Of all Kenyan women, he chose Ngina for her altruistic nature and, after all, she is also single. “So, I figured I wanted to at least go on a date and cook her dinner to see if we have the same values. They say the beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes as they are the doorway to her heart. Her eyes have certainly caught my attention,” confesses Liu who has since toured Kisumu, Thika, Nakuru, Mombasa, Kilifi and Malindi where among his culture shocks include hawkers attempting to sell him one banana for Sh50!
From the visits, Liu has managed to master mutterings of Kiswahili; words like sasa, poa, kidogo, and hakuna matata which would come in handy while tuning Ngina while preparing her dinner.
“I would want to take her to Wuhan, China the city I was born to show her my family. Then if she wanted I would show her the Great Wall of China,” says Liu adding that “the major deal breaker would be if we didn’t share the same values about God, family, and if she didn’t want kids.”
Wuhan is the sprawling capital of Central China’s Hubei province with many lakes and parks, including expansive, picturesque East Lake.
Liu desires to settle down in the next two or three years and “I want Ngina to consider me because I’m the daring Ninja that stands for love, loyalty, integrity, and empathy.”
Without having met her, Liu considers Ngina “the love of my life and the women who I want to start a family with, she only needs to tell me what her heart desires and I’ll make it a reality.”
Illuminating qualities that he thinks wound endear him to the President’s only daughter, Liu says “I’ve got a great sense of humour, I grew up in the kitchen and consider myself an amazing chef. I love kids, and I understand the importance of gratitude. I have also been sober for two years. I’m not here to cause trouble, just to show the people of Kenya my heart and take things day by day with God’s grace.”
About being sober he says he has no drinking problem just that “I’m sober is because I believe having a clear head is important and I don’t want to numb myself from emotions,” says Liu, who attended University of Hawaii at Manoa and has a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and Media Studies.
Since daughter of the Agikuyu are married off with the following of traditional protocol beginning with ruracio (bride price), Liu says he’s ready and “in case we hit it off. Just like Kenyans we Chinese people pay bride price as well. But that is decided between the parents.”
Asked whether he knows the intricacies of getting close to the First Daughter, Liu says he is not intimidated by Ngina being the president’s daughter.
“To be honest, I’m not. The most fearsome person I know is my grandmother. She told me to never let status cloud your judgment of a person. At the end of the day I see her as a woman who has a father who only wants her daughter to be happy. All I can do is show the Kenyatta family my heart and have faith.”
To woo Ngina, Liu says “I am taking it one step at a time and first I have to speak my intention out to the world. I also made a video asking the president to allow me to take his daughter for a date.”
Liu, who has been in a previous relationship only did a simple Google search on Ngina whom he would take care of from proceeds of his photography, mostly in black and white.