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In April this year fashion designer, Shiyenze Khasoha sat down with multiple media outlets and told her cancer story but it was all a lie.

The designer also launched her campaign dubbed #VaaShiyenze to raise money for her treatment, which was championed by top celebrities: Larry Madowo, Nameless, Gilad Millo, Jalang’o, Shaffie Weru, Adele Onyango, Big Ted and Jeff Koinange among others.

She raised funds to a tune of Sh2,000,000 which was sent directly to her Mpesa and Standard Chartered Bank accounts.

Shiyenze Khasoha

According to the ‘caregiver’ they realised Shiyenze’s story had inconsistencies which led to further investigations.

Myself and Joy have had several inconsistencies during our stint as ‘caregivers’ for Shiyenze and this lead us to do further investigations that unfortunately has unearthed the FAKE CANCER claims by Ms Roselyne Khasoha Shiyenze since 2017 to date.

Shiyenze has been claiming to have cancer and has collected money from the public while she has never received ANY cancer treatment at MP Shah Hospital or any other hospital as she has publicized.

Shiyenze has NEVER had any cancer treatment contrary to claims that she was operated on at MP Shah and her right ovaries removed in 2018. Doctors have refused to administer any cancer treatment as she has failed to produce her Biopsy Report (she doesn’t have it).

Shiyenze has misrepresented her ‘cancer’ case at MP Shah Hospital and lied to the Oncologist Dr Vijay that she had her surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy at Apollo Hospital in India, meanwhile she has never been to India.

Shiyenze duped us that her cancer has recurred and she needs treatment and to clear a previous bill of 2m at MP Shah, this we verified as a untrue at MP Shah Hospital

Shiyenze has been updating us that she’s been paying the money we fundraise to MP Shah, to the tune of 2m, meanwhile we got a statement from Credit Department that ALL she has paid to MP Shah from 2018 to date is ONLY 50,056 and the payments are non cancer related.

After all the above inconsistencies, I together with the other caregivers confronted her and she confessed that she lied about her cancer surgery and has never had any form of cancer treatment. 

Due to the magnitude of this fraud that she has been committing since 2017 and has raised over 2 million, we decided to take the following action;

Report the matter to Parklands Police Station and got an OB (OB No 62 of 8/07/2019)

We have reported the misuse and fraudulent activity using the Paybill no 861300 a/c Shiyenze to Safaricom 

We have prepared a presser to be released to the general public warning them not to send any money to the paybill, mpesa or bank account

We have cancelled the campaign 

We have put a notice to all Shiyenze whatsapp groups warning members not to send any money to her 

Shiyenze Khasoha 1

Shiyenze duped many by claiming she has cancer and has done several TV, Radio and online interviews including;

  1. Hot 96 with Jeff Koinange
  2. The Trend with Amina Rabar 
  3. BBC mentions with Larry Madowo
  4. Several Online interviews with Standard Group and others
  5. Several mentions and appearances 
  6. Concert mentions by Gilad 
  7. Promo videos by top Kenyan personalities

In all, this news shocked us out of our skin and took us several days to digest and accept that Shiyenze has done this heinous and uncouth unthinkable act by pretending to have cancer for financial gain.

It pains us that there are hundreds of genuine cancer cases out there who deserve help from the public and they not getting while she takes advantage of people’s generosity to benefit financially.

Between Joy and I we have spend close to 100,000 on her, including buying machines for her shop to build capacity. We have donated countless man hours to tend to her and her hospital stints that we have now found out we’re all planned acts to dupe us.

Since 2017 all the monies have been going straight to her account at Standard Chartered, Mpesa Paybill and Mpesa number all of which she is the only one with access.


Philip Pips  and Joy Kakya



I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of buzzcentral.co.ke. As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.

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