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Natural skin care and beauty products are becoming more and more popular, and there are tons of excellent skin-care products to choose from. But ‘natural’ has a broad term that many brands and organizations have various definitions for, so it’s important to learn about ingredients and recognize which ones are harmful or questionable.

Jipende Afrika a Kenyan online shop wants to change that perception, it is the first ever E- store in Africa and the world that offers 100 percent Natural African made skin and hair products that are tested, proven and certified.

Jipende a Swahili word meaning love yourself combined with Afrika brings home the meaning of love yourself Africa, It’s a wake call up to Africa as a continent to appreciate our own resources especially in innovation and manufacturing in beauty products.

Founded by Bonface Makhulo who is also the CEO of the company, says, “I want give hope to farmers and especially mothers who works in the farms and plantations that produces most of the ingredients used to make the finished products. And also give hope to upcoming Entrepreneurs who believe in developing Africa own products and services by use of local resources.

Jipende Afrika founder and CEO Bonface Makhulo

Adding, “Jipende Afrika creates employment opportunities by encouraging innovation, local manufacturing and off-course retail growth as well as build Africa’s economy through self sustainability.

Children-eczema and hair products

There is no right treatment for eczema in children, nurture your precious little one’s skin, with baby soap made with goat milk and extra virgin olive oil for sensitive skin and eczema. For those with kids with natural hair, we know dealing child’s hair tends to be hectic, a good care routine doesn’t have to take all your time or money-it’s a matter of good ingredients, a good regimen, and consistency. Try out their Kentaro mango no tango which comes as a detangling leave in conditioner and conditioning shampoo.

Men-beard and bald treatment

Beards stand for masculinity, so a fully grown beard and moustache is a source of great pride. But what if you have never experienced beard growth? If you want to know how to grow facial hair faster, particularly, your beard naturally, try out Jipende Afrika’s Otike beard oil or Alika Natural’s beard balm that softens and moisturises made to keep your beard feeling soft. Aging is inevitable and losing hair at any age is difficult to deal with losing hair get Hujash Natural’s guava hair oil which deals with Alopecia treatment, dandruff treatment, bacteria and fungi treatment, halts premature white hair, hair loss and thinning treatment and keeps the hair strong, thicker, darker and shinning.

Women- stretch marks treatment

Like any scar, stretch marks are permanent, but treatment may make them less noticeable. Treatment can also help reduce the itch so get their Guru Nanak stretch mark pack or Rissa Nautural’s pack which includes goat milk soap for stretch mark salve

Men and women- anti-aging oils

One thing that we cannot change is the natural aging process but we can reduce premature skin aging.  Jipende Afrika offers a variety of anti-aging products like Argan Oil, Jojoba Oil, Baoba Serum, Carrot Oil, Mizizi Marula Oil and hemp oil which are for both face care, skin care.

Women-hair products

Natural hair has gained popularity in recent years. For decades, many women looked to harsh chemicals to straighten their hair. But these days, an increasing number of women are omitting the chemicals in favor of a more natural approach to hair care. If you are a naturalista and looking for a shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer, and chemical treatments, this is the place for you, the website offers a variety of products like Avoghee Hydration hair mask, Mosara deep treatment masque, sheba shampoo bar and Hajash Naturals aloecactus aromatheraphy conditioning shampoo among others.

Click the link for more products


I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.

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