Domestic abuse can happen to anyone whether rich or poor, young or old you can find yourself in a relationship with somebody who abuses you physically or emotionally and sometimes both ways.
Gospel musician Betty Bayo says leaving abusive relationships was hard for her mainly because she was afraid of what people will say about her.
“Few years ago, I used to live in fear I was afraid of almost everything. I feared being gossip, I was naïve, many people took advantages of me I would say sorry even when ni Mimi nmekosewa, I dint know how to say no and speak for myself, Job 3:25 for the thing I feared has overtaken me.
I feared being gossip negatively I stayed in abusive relationships because of fear, I would stomach openly humiliation coz afraid of what people will say, I got into depression was losing my mind but God pick me up again.
Today I’m gossip all corner of the world everyone has something to say about me some true some lies. I’m no longer live in fear my faith percentage is higher than the fear. Sometime I sit down read some of your comment and smile and am like why all this anger and emotions? Do I know you?
Today many a living in fear. They rather lose their life than face reality. The opposite of faith is fear.”