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The much-anticipated solo debut album by Steph Kapela is finally out.

Vikky Secrets is an introspective perspective of love. It explores some of the issues no one likes to talk about in a personal and vulnerable way through themes such as intimacy, the other women, sex addiction, chasing fantasies and regret of lost love.

The nine-track album pulls back the curtain and lets in the listener into the good, the bad and ugly sides of a relationship. When asked why this album and why now, Steph said, “This album for me at least is the right album for the now.

I needed to find myself, find the love again, I wanted to hold nothing back and deal with all of it, love, lust and longing, and I feel many people need that right now, especially being isolated with their loved ones.

It’s good to explore how things go right and how they go wrong and just maybe find a way through it.”

The album is a cocktail of Trap, Hip-hop, RnB and Afropop dance anthems.

I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of buzzcentral.co.ke. As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.

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