A miscarriage can be a traumatic event for any person or relationship. When it happens, it leaves behind a sense of shock, confusion and grief.
In an interview, Massawe Japanni talked about how she dealt with the aftermath of the traumatic event, “First of all, it’s not really an easy thing for any couple to lose their child. It takes time, it takes the grace of God for any couple to jump that hurdle of losing a child.
Even when you want to try again there is usually anxiety, ‘I’m I going to keep this pregnancy?’ even when bringing up that child. In my experience, raising my firstborn I never really enjoyed parenting because of ‘what if’ something happens but with time God gives you the grace to parent.
I would like to encourage any mother who has lost a child not to lose hope, you can still get another baby, give yourself time and see a proper doctor and find out what was the reason for the miscarriage. Walk with your doctor to see what the issue was.”
February 2017, Massawe shared her painful experience when she lost her firstborn baby Kwame.
“It was a very painful experience by the way 11 years ago I had just gotten married, our first born was a son whom we had already named kwame and it came as a huge blow to us and I took time to come to terms that I had just lost my baby.
It was a huge blow because I was fresh from the surgery room and after all the painful months I returned home empty handed and you know the excitement that comes with a family expecting their first child, the preparations from family members and after all you find yourself off the theatre in the morning wishing it was all just a nightmare and the sounds of other children crying was simply unbearable.”
The radio queen and her husband Tom Japanni celebrated their 13th marriage anniversary in May this year and the couple has three girls.