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Held between August 1 to 7, World Breastfeeding Week aims at supporting and promoting breastfeeding to strengthen and improve the health of mothers and babies.

Breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world but there’s is still a stigma and a lot of moms are shamed for feeding their babies in public.

Kenyan celebrities joined others globally to fight these taboos by sharing photos and normalizing breastfeeding.

Actress and producer Sarah Hassan focused on giving her child the best possible care and nourishment, “Breastfeeding was something I longed for but was seriously scared about after hearing and reading soooo many testaments from fellow super mamas.

I’ve been lucky enough to have exclusively breastfed my little one for over a year now but one thing I was super scared about was not having enough milk or my milk drying out!

Even though I had enough supply, I was still paranoid and it never hurts to just be prepared. As usual, sending love and light to you & your families. Please stay safe #Breastfeedingweek.”

TV presenter Grace Msalame has been candid about motherhood and breastfeeding ever since she gave birth to her twins, “In honor of breastfeeding week 01-07 August! I remember how nervous I was at first, I thought it would be an instantaneous natural act for both Mommy and baby, only to realize that baby has to learn how to latch and mommy has to get used to the new normal.

It’s a whole science figuring out what works for you to increase your flow. I’m looking forward to beginning this journey again, still nervous with the same concerns like will I have enough flow, will he have trouble latching, will I manage exclusivity. Yet still all in all thrilled and feel very blessed to be given a chance to experience this again, a little older & wiser & a much calmer mother (well I hope) with a little experience this time. 9yrs later!”

Social media influencer Maureen Waititu was very clear about wanting to breastfeed her boys, “This was me about a year and a half ago, Breastfeeding baby Kai. Now he runs around commanding everybody and I miss miss nourishing him! I am so honored to have been able to do so as breastfeeding is not a privilege that all moms get to enjoy.”

Music producer Tedd Josiah talked about the importance of men helping their women during breastfeeding period, “Let’s talk breastfeeding and a man’s role in this. Yes, brothers I said a man’s role! So, your wife’s given birth and basically opened up her body for another human to come into this world.

She’s beat and will not be all together for a while 6 months to a year. She’s going to still want to cook for you clean for you and show you attention while feeding your child from her body.

Tell you what I did. Anytime she breastfed Jay Jay and I was home I was the hype man, drinking chocolate maker, tea boy, warmer of leftovers anything that mama wanted, then if she was too tired and baby was still up I’d also take time with baby, burp baby and make sure mother and baby are well taken care of.

Breastfeeding can be a family bonding time and if you bond together that means that you will have a stronger unit. I hear the brothers say they are busy in the morning going to work and that justifies their sleeping throughout babies night time feeds. I was working from 7 am daily and had to drive an hour to work daily.”

I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of buzzcentral.co.ke. As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.

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