Heavy rains in Tanzania have left many Tanzanian stranded, cars and houses were swept away, properties destroyed. Videos of long traffic jams and people wading through waterlogged areas are going viral on social media.
Jacqueline Ntuyabaliwe wife to the late billionaire Reginald Mengi, was also not left out. Her mega mansion was flooded leaving a lot of destruction and loss.

She shared a video of the extensive damage on social media, “This is my home after the floods, with so much destruction and loss. These videos show only a fraction of the damage that we suffered. My first reaction was tears and despair and I think it would’ve been the same for anyone under the circumstances.

I cried for the loss especially because many of these things have sentimental value, they’re things that reminds me and my twins of their father, many of them were gifts that hold a lot of memories. As i sat on the floor crying my twins came to hug me trying to console me and started praying, in the prayer they thanked God that we were still alive and safe and it really hit me.
Yes, we have lost a lot and we will never be able to replace these things but we still have a lot to be grateful for and at least we have the memories stored in our hearts and minds. I know many of you were affected by the floods, I’m sorry for your losses, I know how painful it is, how devastating it is but pls do remember to be grateful that you still have your lives. God bless you all.”