Citizen TV news anchor Lilian Muli has revealed her relationship status after months of keeping a low profile. In a Q & A session on Instagram, the media personality also disclosed how staying low-key has helped her, especially in her career. “I learnt from my mistakes getting into this industry too young and making a few blunders here and there now I prefer a reasonably quiet life,” wrote Muli.
On whether she is dating, Muli did not deny or confirm, however, she said she is happy and decided to live a private life. “Very personal question I decided to keep my life super private but I am happy,” she wrote.
Muli also spoke on getting married again, saying that she was from a failed marriage and she is not keen about it at the moment. “Been married it was a good run but it didn’t work out. Not really keen on talking about marriage as I am correctly very happy as I am,’ she stated.
The media personality also acknowledged that she was in toxic relationships and narrated how she got over them and eventually healed. “I had to also evaluate my contribution, you have to be objective about these issues its not always the other person that is at fault,” wrote Muli.
The star also encouraged her fans to be friends with their ex-lovers, however, maintaining that they should respect each other and consider boundaries. “I think be cool but boundaries should be respect.”
On whether she has ever faced a rejection in her life, Muli said, “Yes and it was terrible back then I always questioned myself and my ability and potential but I have worked on my insecurities over the years and now I take it in good stride. I always go for what I want and if I don’t succeed, I try harder and elsewhere.”
The mother of two also noted that her greatest fear in life is failure. “I fear failure, but I don’t entertain thoughts of fear you attract what you think,” she stated. She also revealed her celebrity crush, “Otile Brown he is very talented.”