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Nigeria-based Kenyan gospel singer Emmy Kosgei has opened up on how God has favoured her. Through a lengthy social media post, the singer disclosed how President Uhuru Kenyatta once gave her attention and spent some moments chatting with her despite being in hurry. 

She also recalled how a random lady followed her prior to her encounter with the Head of State saying he would come and greet her. “I remember this day when the president is your fan. The woman besides me, though you can’t see her face but her hand, she literally left where she was and followed me, she said I want to stand next to you because I know the head of state will come to greet you.

I was like what, she said ‘yes Emmy I know’. The diplomatic que was so long I obviously knew ehhhh I am far, the president was also in a hurry but suddenly he took a turn and came straight, ‘mummy, how are you’, and hugged me like 3 or 4 times.

The few minutes checking on me, asking about music, my hubby, family, how I was doing felt I not only got the privilege of sharing a moment with him but his deputy, former prime minister who are my fans too and his entire entourage. The woman shouted “I said it! I knew it”, guess what all the people around me got the privilege to have a close encounter with his excellency the president,” she wrote. 

Emmy further noted that once God’s grace has dawned on someone, no one can interfere with it adding that she was happy to see other people benefit from her glory. 

See when God’s eye is on you, your glory cannot be covered. You not only benefit but those around you rub on the glory hallelujah they become beneficiaries. If the wrath of God is on you the effect is same! Remember #Jonah in the bible? Yes he innocent passengers in the boat suffered his disobedience.

Some cargo was lost in attempt to reduce weight of the ship because of Paul the apostle all the passengers in the ship sailed and arrived safely though their ship was utterly destroyed know the magnet in your circle and stay close! Also know the Jonah in your boat and do the necessary before you lose a lot of cargo or waste prayers or fight endlessly,” she wrote. 

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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