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Celebrated musician Wahu Kagwi has told off critics who went berserk on her Facebook page over her dress code. The singer shared photos taken at the beach alongside her husband, David Mathenge, alias Nameless. According to the singer, her husband shared similar photos of herself in a bikini and it attracted positive views, but when she posted the same, she was trolled for exposing her body.  

In her statement, Wahu wondered why critics trolled her for sharing the same photos that got positive views when her husband shared with the public. “Dear stone throwers when my hubby posted this the other day everything is okay but when I post people start catching feelings. It’s such a big shame that there are things that are acceptable for a guy to share but when a women does the same, trouble! Search your soul and ask yourself if sexism is disturbing your heart,” wrote Wahu

She added; “Y’all have got to be kidding me but anyway, everyone is entitled to their own opinions for sure. Most important thing for everyone to learn is not to make decisions because of what people will say but because firstly, you’re ok with the decision you’ve made.” 

Reacting to Wahu’s statement, Nameless also called out the critics noting that as public figures they had to get used to trolls as judgement will always be part of their lives. “Anyway on a serious note, I know we have very different opinions on what and how people should dress and act in life and everyone thinks their perspective is right, that’s human.

And this post just shows how different we all are. We are all entitled to our opinions and being a public figure you soon realize this; you can never please everybody and in some instances like this pic you get some people very emotional and reactions are sometime extreme and judgemental but it’s life we had to get used to it.

I respect people’s different perspectives even if I don’t agree with some of them. I accept them for what they are, even the ones that are very judgemental. For me, as long as it is not breaking laws or hurting people I’m okay judgement will always be there and that’s part of life.

In my opinion I don’t see anything wrong with wearing a costume at the beach but that me and my family you really don’t have to agree with it. I probably don’t agree with many of your negative comments here but I don’t argue try and argue too much about opinions cause we all have different experiences and perspectives. Blessup and  learn for different perspectives,” wrote Nameless.

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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