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Content creator Celestine Ndinda has opened up about her experience with an nanny. Speaking on her YouTube channel, the mother of one said she first hired a nanny when she was eight months pregnant.  

Ndinda explained that she wanted a nanny who would take good care of her kid. “When I was around eight months pregnant, I started looking for a nanny so that she would come and we get used to each other. I got one from my mum’s village in Ukambani, I was willing to teach her how to cook but my main concern was for her to take good care of my kid. She came and she would cook, clean the house, do laundry and she was okay,” she said. 

All was well until the content creator gave birth and moved to her mother-in-law’s place for basic lessons on handling newborn babies. “After giving birth, I decided to go to my mother in law’s place and she came with me. I wanted to be taught how to take care of the kid before we travel back to the city. We got there and she told my mother in law she is not used to staying upcountry and she is only used to cooking on a gas cooker, things became too much and I started getting bored because it was at my in-laws and we were expected to behave well,” she said. 

Adding; “She would get angry because she was not allowed to watch the TV during the day, but I would let it slide, I started getting angry at her. After the first week, when I would change my kid after he pooped, my baby’s grandma would tell her to wash the kid’s clothes but she would say she didn’t even wash her kid’s dirty clothes.” 

Ndinda left her mother-in-law’s home after two weeks and later decided to dismiss the nanny from work, “When we left I had already felt enough is enough because she was doing nothing at all. Within those two weeks I knew I had no nanny,” she said. 

The first time mother later hired a nanny who took good care of her son and she is working for them to date. “Luckily, I got someone and up to date she is still working for us. He takes good care of my kid more than I did and that was what I was looking for in a nanny, especially being a first time mum,” said Ndinda

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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