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King Kaka has released a new music series dubbed Diana that will exclusively feature on Safaricom digital platform BAZEDiana is a nine-part music series that runs between 1:20 to 4 minutes per episode.

The musical is about your typical Nairobian girl who loves a good time and the usual rendezvous here and there. Diana (Michelle Ntalami) meets and falls for a guy (King Kaka) at a party and a romantic relationship ensues. Unbeknownst to him, Diana is already in a relationship with one of his friends Alvin (Robert Agengo). With this in mind, King Kaka tries to end the relationship, however Diana is not willing to let it go.

This issue escalates further ending in a violent scenario where the audience is be left wondering who Diana will violently get rid of in the end. “The Diana Series tackles the societal issues surrounding Gender Based Violence (GBV) and how it has become rampant over the past years. The series also covers multiple layers which surround the GBV discussion”. Said King Kaka.

He added that with the rise in GBV, it’s important to promote education on gender-based violence to reduce the stigma of victimisation within the community. “We all have a responsibility to take collective action against harmful gender and social norms, and to empower both men and women recognise, address and prevent acts of gender-based violence.”

I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of buzzcentral.co.ke. As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.

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