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Tanzanian rapper and Member of Parliament  Hamis Mwinjuma aka Mwana FA is recuperating following a road accident on Monday evening, August 30. Speaking to the media after receiving treatment, the MP said he was with his driver when the accident occurred moments after leaving a burial. 

We were two us inside the car, me and my driver. We travelled from Mheza to Msoga because the retired president had lost his nephew and we had gone for the burial,” he said. 

Mwana FA and his driver got to a small town within Morogoro where they had a head on collusion accident with an oncoming vehicle. “We left for Dodoma and when we got to Kiongolewa, there are a lot of trucks heading to Dar Es Salaam and there was someone who was overtaking and came to our side while at a very high speed and there was no way we could avoid the accident,Mwana FA added. 

He, however, noted that he was doing well, adding that his driver got minor injuries as well. “I just thank God we got out well, I have some minor injuries on my chest and left hand but I’m getting medical attention,” Mwana FA added. 

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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