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Content creator Joan Murugi Munyi, alias Yummy Mummy has disclosed that she spent over Sh34,000 on her hair. 

In a series of posts shared, the content creator broke down how much she spent to make her hair. “I paid Sh34,320 in total. Here’s the breakdown: braids – 1500, labour – 25,000, transport 2 days – 4,320 and home service fee – 3,000. The labour fee ranges from 10k to 25k depending on the density of your hair, time taken and length of the locs,” she wrote.  

Yummy Mummy added that three hairdressers worked on her hair and they took 22 hours to complete it. “The 22 hours was 3 people doing the hair at the same time. The hair was sectioned as they would with sisterlocks, but again these are not sisterlocks,” she said.

Murugi Munyi with her new microlocks.

She added that as the hair grows, she will have them retightened every month. “No gel or wax was used. They just braided. But as the hair grows out, every month or every 6 weeks or so, I’ll go have them retightened at the roots. At that time they can either interlock the roots (if you want the look permanently) or they can retwist or do something called wrapping,” she added.

Yummy Mummy clarified that her services were not sponsored and she paid for it fully.

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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