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Top Nigerian actor Richard Mofe-Damijo popularly known as RMD spoke to Buzz Central’s Cheptoek Boyo about his career that has lasted over three decades, his trip to Kenya, the secret to a lasting marriage and starring in popular Netflix show Castle & castle.

You started your career mid-80s now over three decades, what keeps you going? 

It’s my love for the profession, I love what I do, it’s my happy place, it is the place where I’d rather be and nowhere else. I love the energy that I get from the space, I love the energy that it makes me give as well and it renews my face in the profession. I like the fact that more younger people are coming in now and are inspired by the work that we did in the past and wants to improve it 

You were in Kenya a few weeks back, what did you love about the country? 

What is there to not love about Kenya, everything. I loved the changing landscape as you move. The landscape changes dramatically, it’s like you’re in a different country. Kenya is like a collection of countries. I love the fact that there is absence of fear while I was there. I felt very welcomed and I would love to come again, over and over. I have a team that I’m working with over there now and I hope that you will see me more often in Kenya. I would have to cause to back to Kenya and make it my second home. My next trip straight to Mombasa and the islands.

Castle & Castle is now in Season 2 currently airing on Netflix, what do you like about being on the show? 

I like everything about the show, it’s family drama, it’s love at it’s most dizzy in heights, lots of intrigues, the sexual tension, you know when men and women gather in the space there is a lot heavy underhandedness, back biting and all those kind of things. It’s a real rollercoaster this second season, I can imagine what the writers are brewing for Season 3, I can see it already so I’m looking forward to it.

You studied law in the university, does it help in acting the big top lawyer? 

My background in law does help, because when it comes to a lawyer you expect the problem to be solved and that’s exactly what I present from my dressing, to how I speak, how I talk to clients is all part of it. 

In Season 1 of Castle & Castle we’ve seen a lot of drama, what should we expect in Season 2? 

Season 2 is a rollercoaster, it’s hard not to say that. If you loved Season 1, Season 2 is going to blow you out. Season 3, people are already asking questions why we just stopped in just six episodes but I tell them to go to Netflix and complain they need Season 3. Season 2 ended with a lot of cliff hungers.

You’re now on radio with the new show, The Book I’m Reading, what inspired the show? 

I think the reading culture is dying, and this is our own way of trying to encourage more people to read, that reading shapes life, their reading can shape lives and destinies and can lead you in a path towards greatness and so we bring people who can testify the fact that because they read certain books, their lives have been better .

You recently turned 60, and you seem more energetic than most 60-year-old what keeps you young? 

I don’t know, I guess I just don’t deal with the number. I just carry one like I know how to without paying regard to the fact that I’m 60-years-old and I guess I don’t absorb the weight of 60, I still feel like I have the energy that I had when I was 21 and I’ll just go ahead and attempt whatever it is without regard to age and that’s actually what keeps me young.  

You are also a fashionable guy, do you have a stylist? What’s your go to fashion ?

I keep it simple, when in doubt I wear black. I don’t have a stylist, I’m my own stylist. From time to time I work with some stylists for shoots and stuff like that but most of the times when I want to go out I dress myself. I have quite an impressive wardrobe I must say which I have acquired over the years. 

You’re a father of six, what have you learnt raising your children? 

Life is about values, I was raised with a lot of values and I try to pass on those values to my children to keep life simple, and to be humble and respectful and humility doesn’t cost you anything, to love their work and aim to changing the world from wherever they find themselves and make society better than they found it.

Richard Mofe-Damijo with his wife Jumobi Adegbesan.

You celebrated your 20 years of marriage, what is your advise to the young couples? 

Mine is don’t rush into it, if you find the right person you will stay. I think most people don’t find the right person, they give into pressure and probably end up with the wrong person and it can last you for as long as it can but when you find the right person it is a decision that you make major my by yourself or the two of you then you will also decide to keep it and stay in it. 

Young and mature women regard you as a sex symbol, do you get that a lot? 

Well I do and sometimes I look at myself and wonder what it is. I guess it is the guy on TV, when you’re in the movie then you are the centre of attraction and if your craft resonate with people then you get a lot of attention. I’m truly humbles to be called sex symbol and it does really flatters me.

Will we be seeing you going back to politics? 

Never say never, I had an appointed position, if I get one that will serve the people well, yes but will I  go out of my way to seek one, not sure. I like what I do and I’m contributing to the society. 

For the young generation who see themselves as the next RMD, what is your advise to them?

Be the best you can, don’t just be the next RMD, be a bigger RMD so that the generation after you can then be bigger and then there will be growth, becoming just the next RMD then there is no growth. You have to surpass what I have done. Know your craft, stick to it and innovate as you go along because that is key for an actor. Embrace change and be a part of it and have the presence of mind to be in the moment.

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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