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Celebrated rapper King Kaka appreciated his wife, Nana Owiti for taking good care of him when he was sick. King Kaka recalled how his wife would take care of him in hospital and make it to her TV show where she would maintain a smiley face all through the show despite his condition. 

Let me count my blessings. The last 3 months has been nothing short but terrifying. This lady here, Nana Owiti has shown and proven what a wife and a best friend is. From sleeping on the hospital couch next to my bed then you wake up shower in the same hospital, go and smile on TV like everything is okay to fighting with nurses on why they are ‘slow’  (big up to the nurses who took care of me, it’s only because Nana wanted me to recover quickly), to praying and encouraging me to eat with the help of mom, to sponge-bathing me when the temperatures were too high,” said the musician. 

The rapper added that he is still recovering, “I am currently walking on that road to recovery but I pray that God guides you and grants you all your hearts’ wishes and desires. Just leant the new meaning of the word ‘partner’ in a relationship. Be blessed and thank you Nana,” he added.

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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