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Content creator Muthoni Gitau has opened up about her rape ordeal that happened during a sleepover at her friend’s place. Muthoni said on the fateful day, she asked her friend if she could spend the night at his place because it was late and she could not go home at 11pm because of her dad stricked.  

I didn’t want to go home because my sister had told me my dad was back and I knew going back to the house means having to start explaining where I was coming from and I was not about to have any of that because I was like I’m an independent woman and all,” she said. 

Gitau narrated that all was well until the following day in the evening when her friend’s roommate started sending her suggestive text messages. “The next day was a Saturday and I asked my friend if  I could stay for one more night and he was cool. My friend was roommates with another guy who I had not really gotten to know much but I knew him. That Saturday we chilled, watched movies and wrote scripts, evening came and I started receiving suggestive text messages from the roommate. He started texting, ‘you better prepare yourself’, I didn’t think much of it until my friend told me, ‘so-and-so is coming with his friends so today you can’t sleep on the couch. If you are comfortable we can share my bed’ and I was okay,” she added.

Later that night, her friend’s roommate showed up drunk alongside his other friends and raped her, “At around 11pm the roommate came with his friends they started playing music, they were eating and and laughing, randomly my friend decides to leave the room, he didn’t tell me why, he just left and the next thing the roommate was in the room and he locked the door. he was like, ‘are you ready?’. I was confused because I had not given any implication that anything was going to happen between us. I was like, ‘okay you’re drunk, can we please talk in the morning?’ but he proceeded and raped me.” 

Muthoni said after he raped her, the roommate went back and joined his friends shortly before Gitau’s friend walked into the room, got into the bed and faced the wall. “After he finished, he walked out and continued merrymaking with his friends. Then my friend came back into the room, got in the bed and faced the wall. After they finished merrymaking, I went to the sofa and sat there with a blanket and waited for morning. When they woke up, they started talking and the roommate had the guts to say, ‘she can go now, we are not looking for a housewife’,” Gitau painfully narrated. 

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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