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Willis Raburu’s ex-wife Marya Prude recalled her baby, Adana’s death. Speaking in an interview, Marya disclosed that she got pregnant in 2018 and after some time she started bleeding forcing her to seek medical attention. 

After consulting with a doctor, Marya was informed that she was bleeding because her body was rejecting the baby. “It began in 2018 when my spouse and I at that time, we were trying to get pregnant. I missed a period and I thought we were pregnant, we did a pregnancy test it turned out we were expecting. It happened that in a couple of days I started bleeding and I called the doctor, the doctor said, ‘your body acknowledges there’s no pregnancy so it’s rejecting whatever is growing‘,” she said. 

Following further examination, the baby did not have a heartbeat. “We got to the hospital, they admitted me and they started checking the baby’s heartbeat and it was not there. They changed machines because we were from the clinic and we heard the baby’s heartbeat. My baby came out pretty and precious like the most beautiful kid I’ve ever seen. I was looking at her and literally she was asleep. I looked at her back, fingers, nails, hair and I was like why is she not crying,” Marya recalled.  

In a past interview, Marya disclosed that she lost the first pregnancy through a miscarriage at nine weeks. She said it was an embryonic pregnancy, a failed early pregnancy where a gestational sac develops but the embryo does not form. “What people don’t know is that, I had lost another pregnancy in 2018 at nine weeks then. I got pregnant with baby Adana. It was really tough for us since we were trying to get a child,” Marya said. 

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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