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Actress Jacky Vike popularly known as Awinja is a happy woman after her hit single Sio Lazima hit a million views on YouTube.

The mother on one took to social media and said, “Just here to say, thank you so much for the love you’ve been showing my song #SioLazima we are almost hitting 1 million views in less than a week😩 na Bado tuna trend at Number one! I don’t take the love for granted, I am truly humbled, mbarikiwe sana. ❤️ Outfit @yvonneafrostreet What a Way to start the week! We have hit One million Views in 4 days! Asanteni sana!”

In an interview with Radio Maisha, Awinja has hit back at negative critics amid the release of her Valentine’s song Sio lazima. “Kelele ya chura haimzui ng’ombe kukunywa maji…nilisema as long as I’m having fun, iyo ingine hainihusu, lakini siezi wa-blame, sisi ni binadamu na kila mtu ana options zake especially when it comes to music,” said Awinja.

I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of buzzcentral.co.ke. As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.

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