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Radio presenter Njambi Koikai is vying for the Dagorretti South Parliamentary seat. She confirmed the announcement to move from Radio to Parliament during a live interview on 

Trace FM’s morning show Trace Ngware with Calvin & Alvan.I have been touching lives of people, young and old, through the airwaves for more than 12  years now,” she said adding that the stories and situations her audiences have shared with her over the years have brought her to the conclusion that she can do more while on the ground with the people. “The stories people tell me while I am on air, and the things I see and experience on the ground give me the conviction that change must start with me.

The Trace Na Doba host has in the recent past held a series of soccer tournaments that brought together hundreds of young people in her home constituency, Dagorretti South. These tournaments, she says, exposed her to the realities on the ground in their rawest forms. 

These issues among others she experiences as a resident of the constituency are her driving force towards creating change from the ground up. “Kwa grao vitu ni different,” (on the ground, things are different) she said alluding to the fact that unless you are in touch with the people and can experience things the way they do, you can only create a theoretical change which is not practically applicable on the ground.

Mary Njambi Koikai re-launched her radio career on Trace 95.3 Fm after a long battle with endometriosis, a disease that causes uterine tissue to develop in different parts of the body.  During her 6 year break, Njambi underwent several intense surgeries in Kenya and abroad but has now made a full recovery.

I saw death, and my life gained new meaning. My new purpose is to serve and create lasting change. I want to touch people’s lives directly and make their lives better in every way I possibly can.” Njambi said adding that, “Anything you do has a ripple effect which magnifies every small change into something bigger and better. I strive to make positive and impactful change in Dagorretti South and watch the ripple effect magnify my efforts for a better world.”

Speaking in a separate off air interview, Trace East Africa MD, Danny Mucira said that it had been a great pleasure having Njambi as part of the Trace family in the last year. He further commended her courage to take on the world of politics, a space that women have shied away from in the past and wished her success in her new life goals. “Njambi is a consistent and hardworking person who has greatly contributed to the growth of Trace as a brand. We are better for knowing and working with her and wish her all the best in her new endeavors.”

I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of buzzcentral.co.ke. As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.

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