Selina actress Dorea Chege recently opened up about growing up as a pastor’s child and her plans to launch her music career.
Speaking to Cheptoek Boyo on Buzz Central, Chege revealed she grew up with the pressure to be a ‘good kid’, “I grew up with the pressure of being perfect. My dad is a pastor and my mom is his interpreter so you can imagine. There was so much pressure that I was not allowed to get a tattoo. I also had to dress a certain way but I’m totally different.”
Adding, “I remember I had a tongue ring and my mom was like what is that! ”Which resulted in a huge fight with her dad, “I had a huge disagreement with my dad, I couldn’t even live there anymore. I was fighting with my dad so much because he didn’t want some things to be done in his house and it was chaotic.”
Being the firstborn of the family, Dorea was the praise and worship leader of her father’s church, “I was the praise and worship leader for a while but I did it because I found myself in a pastor’s house so automatically I had to follow. I did it for six years then I stopped.” She however still goes to church to sing sometimes.
The content creator also has plans to launch her music career as a gospel musician, “I’ve been thinking about it, I didn’t want to talk about it though because I want it to be a surprise.” She also said nothing is going to stop her from pursuing her singing career, “I don’t think I’ll stop. At this point in my life I’ve heard people say all manner of things but it doesn’t get to me.