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Oga Obinna’s baby mama Lilian, is set to retain custody for their two girls after winning a court case against the comedian. In an emotional post on Instagram, Lilian said she had won the case, “Custody Granted, 7/02/2023. To the man above, thank you.”

In December last year, Lilian disclosed she had to take a restraining order to block Obinna from showing up at her place, “I haven’t spent my time with the kids since schools closed. Naogopa tu mwenyezi mungu pekee. I can’t leave the kids with my house help or my sister when I am going to work.

But nigger can leave my kids with the house help or his family and his woman and I’m am not allowed to spend time with my kids that I have gave birth to? Did I say watoi wananyanganywa simu wasiniongeleshe? I had to take a restraining order for someone to stop showing up in my house. Kesi iko kwa court tunangoja judgment on 25th. Vitisho peleka ukoooooo. Panda kachoka.”

Adding, “You spend 25 days with the girls since schools closed and I haven’t spent a night with them. I’m taking my turn, 25 days too. Kama I can’t have the same rights as you katambeee always telling me the kids don’t love me to make me feel bad. From jana he hasn’t talked to the kids now he feels bad? That’s how I feel every single day, when you hide their phones.”

Lilian also added that though she allows him to spend more time with the kids, when it comes to her turn, the comedian frustrates her, “I never denied this man to see his kids, but he does deny me to see the girls. Court said he will be picking the girls on Saturday 10am but I still allow him to pick them on Friday to spend more time with the girls, now he wants me to look like I’m the crazy one. Mara kuambiwa that I am not always at home. I work from 9am to 7pm. And I’m working to feed the girls, cloth them and pay rent for us. I pray that one day things will get better.”

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