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Gospel musician Daddy Owen has opposed the Supreme Court’s decision to have LGBTQ+ members to be registered. 

In the post, the singer faulted the Supreme Court for siding with the LBTQ+” community, “In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.” Romans 1:27. LGBTQ methodology is guided by a political agenda.

Through my research I  have not found 1 proven fact that it is natural, it does not exist in mammalian biology! It’s either you are male or female, let’s not interlace things. The agenda is based on preferences and feelings culminating in “rights” rather than biological facts and reality. Your feelings do not define your reality, God does.”

Owen noted that, according to him, sexual desires and preferences shouldn’t be forced on Kenyans. “The LGBTQ community complain about freedom of speech yet they are so quick to pull down my post! Why? If quoting the Bible to condemn a sin is referred as “Hatred” then they should know i will not stop quoting the Bible, it is the word of God. Sexual desires and preferences shouldn’t be forced down our throats! We rebuke it the same way the Bible condemns any other sin like wickedness, greed, envy, deceit etc. We don’t hate anyone, we hate the sin and we are calling out the sin. We are praying for them.

The west colonised our great great grandfathers, history taught us that some resisted and some collaborated, we shall resist! They should be cautioned, this is new Africa, we shall not be colonised by sexual preferences and manipulation! We will stand in the gap to fight for our ethos and posterity. If we are blocked on social media we will go to the streets, churches, villages, schools and on the rooftops! #SayNoToLGBTQinKENYA.

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