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Kenyan actress Lupita Nyong’o, turned 40 on March 1 and to mark her big day, she shared lessons she has learned in life.

Lupita penned a lengthy post appreciating the people who have contributed in her life, “When you recap 40 years on planet Earth. A wise friend once told me not to sweat growing older, because: you don’t have a choice, and you will always be all the ages you’ve ever been anyway. When I look at my time here so far, I am stunned by how many things I have gotten to do with this one wild and wonderful life. It has often been joyful, sometimes stressful and occasionally downright painful, but it has never been boring! And love has followed me, nurtured me and surrounded me every step of the way.

For all those who have poured into my cup when I was running on empty, for all those who have allowed me to pour into theirs, and for all those who have set their full cups beside my full cup so that we could pour into each other and have an incredible cocktail party, I thank you. This life is worth living to get to share it with you. For all those who I do not know personally but make it their business to send me good vibes, take the time to cheer me on and support my work and play in any way, I thank you too. Thank you for sharing a bit of your lifetime with me.”

Lupita also stated she wants to spend the rest of her life embracing change, “Life is time after all, and I want to spend the rest of mine embracing change and never growing complacent, doing what I want and can and not just what I should, and learning to simply live while I am living. It’s gonna take a second to get used to this new digit associated with me now, but I am here for growth and change! #40yearoldversion #livewhileyouareliving.”

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