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Musician Akothee has disclosed the reason why some of her family members were not invited to her wedding.

Taking to her socials, the mother of five said in most families, people don’t know each though they are blood related, “Family is a group of people gathered together by blood who really don’t know each other. Never use your important occasions for family reconciliations kama mbaya mbaya, kila mtu akae kwake. 

Again forgiveness doesn’t have to be public that is pretence, first forgive yourself then forgive others. To keep family as family doesn’t mean you have to be friends or close, don’t force issues with family, they are family keep it family. There are many places you people will meet eg funerals.”

She further stated any family member who was not on her wedding was not invited, “If you force friendship in family, you will always be hurt or you will hurt people. Remember you don’t know each other, that’s why you see Cain killed Abel, Joseph was sold by his own brothers, sasa wewe ni nani? I enjoyed my wedding, especially when choosing the guest list. Kama haukuwaona jua hawakualikwa. Was the best part of it. I only had people I wanted to. Let no one dictate how you your life should be. Forgive but boundaries is a must.

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