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The VIP list at Akothee and Dennis Schweizer’s wedding was nothing short of impressive! On April 10, Akothee tied the knot with her man Dennis ‘Omosh’ Schweizer at an invite-only wedding, which took place at the Windsor Golf Hotel in Nairobi.  

In attendance were celebrities: Janet Mbugua, Terence Creative, Milly Chebby, Jalang’o, Bahati, Diana Marua, Njugush, Alex Mwakideu, Sandra Dacha and Kabi Wajesus among others.

Today @akotheekenya weds @misteromosh and my babe @millychebby and I are honoured to have been invited to witness this beautiful love. From her I have learnt that he is a God of second chances. Congratulations Akoth and Dennis,” said Terence.

Singer Bahati shared a picture with his wife Diana and captioned, “Today is @akotheekenya ‘s Wedding Day. My wife and I are honoured to witness this lovely union. Madam Boss, you deserve all the happiness you prayed for. May God Keep your union.” 

All smiles… What a happy day welcoming the President of single mums @akotheekenya to the #goatwivesclub again. Any single mum in the house who loves marriage.. just know there’s hope. Ni kuoga na kurudi soko,” wrote Sarah Kabu.

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