Uradi actor Manasseh Nyagah, has opened up about the most challenging period in his life. Speaking to Buzz Central, the actor said he went broke and was auctioned in September of 2015.
The actor disclosed that sometimes he didn’t have money for food, “I was staying in a bedsitter on Thika Rd and life was so tough, I remember waking up and there was no food in the house. One day I had Sh300 and I was going for an audition, I had a black coffee and two mandazi and took a bus to town and another one to Ngong Rd for the audition. By the time the audition ended, it was late, the fare had hiked. I got home and had only Sh30 balance.”
Manasseh said things got worse when he came home from an audition and his bedsitter was locked by the caretaker, “In September 2015 I could not pay my rent and in late October I had Sh14,000 arrears. That time I would go to events and clubs and see people I looked up to blowing up my six months rent in one night.
I remember going to an audition and coming back to find a padlock on my door. I called the caretaker and he did not picking the phone. I broke down, I felt like it was the end. I had made a friend on the apartment block, I explained to her what had happened and she allowed me to stay at their family home.”
Mannaseh’s sister came to his rescue and allowed him to stay with her, “In the beginning of November 2015 I went to my sister’s and sleeping on her couch felt like I was living in the best place in the world. I was so grateful. I started hustling so hard and 14 days after my house was locked I closed a Sh500,000 deal.”
The actor also revealed that though he was friends with the caretaker he still auctioned his belongings. “I signed a contract and they wrote me a Sh250,000 cheque, the next day I went to pay my rent balance and when I got to my house and the door was wide open. There was nothing in the house, everything was auctioned. I called the caretaker he did not pick up.
I lost my birth certificate, passport and driver’s license. What really pains me is even if you are auctioning my things, put aside my important documents. I was friends with the caretaker and I would buy him lunch but he didn’t even allow me to take my things.”