Celebrated actor Lydia Gitachu has opened up about her past relationships with mzungu men.
Speaking in an interview with Lynne Ngugi, Lydia said she met her first mzungu boyfriend at a club in South B. “The first serious relationship I got in was with an Austrian, white guys used to love me. Because I was slim, dark and beautiful. We met in a club in South B where I was with Terryanne Chebet and Lizz Njagah. That night he dropped me at my home in Eastleigh, the next day he picked me from college and took me to Westland for a date and dropped me back home. Two days later, he picked me. We did a HIV test in Aga Khan and we started dating. He treated me well but he was transferred to Uganda and our relationship ended.”
Lydia then started a second relationship with an American man, Jayson after meeting him at Phoenix Theatres, “I had gone to watch a play and a friend of mine called Jack came with his American housemate. During the break Jack introduced me to his roommate Jayson and asked what I was doing later because Jayson wanted to take me to dinner. He took me Tratoria in town and paid my cab home. After two days we started the relationship and I was with him for three years.”
Since he was broke, the actress used to take care of him, “We were living together in South C, God had blessed me. I even bought a car and I used to give him money. I also gave him the car to drive but he was an alcoholic. He would verbally abuse me and one day after we came from a wedding I broke up with him and took some of the things in the house for the money he owed me. I moved to Pangani.”
In Pangani, she moved in with her workmate in a 2-bedroomed house. Two months later her friend came to the house with her mzungu friend who later became Lydia’s third mzungu boyfriend, “At 10pm I opened the door and found ‘Brad Pitt’ sitting on the couch. He was really good looking with blue eyes, blonde hair and was well built. But I was not at peace, I felt it in my instincts. I didn’t want to go out but he convinced me so I showered and we went for cocktails. Warning number two was when he started having a conversation with one of my fellow actors while we were out but I ignored.”
The mzungu became abusive and almost killed her, “He was Irish-American and used to drink a lot so we used to go to Nairobi West a lot. I dated him for 5 years on and off. He used to abuse me physically, emotionally and financially. Then one day I said it was over when he almost threw me off the balcony on the fifth floor. He alienated me from my family and friends.”
After her abusive relationship, Lydia is now happily married to a Meru man, “When I was in that relationship a man used to observe me and admire me. The day he saw me alone he told me, “do you know how long I have been waiting for you? You are my wife.” That was 11 years ago. He is my husband. He is a gentleman and he supports me.”