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Vioja Mahakamani prosecutor Alliwah David spoke to Buzz Central about his relationship with his dad.

In an interview, Alliwah disclosed after a break with his mum, his father refused to help them, “To me having my mum and dad is a life I will not pray for people to have. I found myself in this story. In the 90s my parents broke up and it was not easy. While mum was struggling with cancer, at one point she called my dad. He was supposed to sign her hospital documents for her to go for surgery. My dad came and told her, ‘God die with your God’. It was a low moment for me. I kept thinking about what he said until mum died. To me he had killed her. 

Years later he was introduced to his dad but he could not recognise him, “Later on in life, I met my dad, someone connected me with him. When we met he could not recognise me. From 10am to 4pm he didn’t know who I was, that is when the lady told him I’m his son. He was shocked, but I told him I was there to forgive him.

Two years after meeting him he got sick and Alliwah chose to take care of him, “After two years he got very sick. God gave me a scenario where I would have treated him the same way he treated mum. But I was there until his last day and we buried him in Lang’ata according to his wishes. The biggest lesson is to be a better person.”

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