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Music producer and entrepreneur Tedd Josiah is beaming with pride as his daughter graduates kindergarten.

On Wednesday, October 25, Josiah shared a sweet post on Instagram in honour of his daughter Jameela Wendo, “Life is a journey of many baby steps! Thank you God for this amazing journey and making this little human’s life beautiful after a dark start. We give you the glory. Off to new heights now! Thank you to the teachers who’ve held this little baby’s hands and helped her become better, thanks to the aunties and uncles on IG who’ve prayed with us, helped us along the way and given us the energy to keep moving #RaisingJay #TheManMom.”

Jameela Wendo.

Big Tedd’s late wife Reginah Katar died in 2017, three months after welcoming her daughter. In a long post on Instagram, Tedd opened up about his wife’s last words, Impossible to raise you without seeing your mother looking at me through your eyes. Hard to carry you into bed every night (cause you’re becoming bigger and heavier), but your mama’s very last words were, ‘Please carry the baby, she’s getting heavy for me’.

Those words play in my head every day. I feel the world is getting hard on us. Still a mighty long way to go. Still a Queen to raise into a loving strong leader. Still a legacy to keep alive. Still love to share. Forever for always for love.”

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