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Popular Selina actor Brian Ogola and entrepreneur Yvonne Kanyi are expecting their first child.

Ogola announced online they are expecting a boy, “Almost there Queen. Can’t wait to meet our son. ♥️Happy New Month. #fatherhood #parenthood #happiness #destiny” he wrote.

Kanyi went on to ask her fans for delivery tips, “Baby G is almost here! Eekkk 🤪I’m in a well of different emotions but most of all I can’t wait to meet him! Moms, what’s one tip you wish you know as you approached delivery and maternity leave?” she said.

Speaking in an interview with Buzz Central, Ogola disclosed that he would like to settle and get married someday. “I have realised I would like to get married, it has not always been the case but the older I get, the more I realise it is not something I will be completely against. When I was looking at all the bad luck I was getting with women and I came to the realisation that I’m not necessarily a husband material and my relationships never really got past a certain point. 

Dating as I was doing it, I was sleeping around until I got to the point where I was bored. I also realised I don’t believe in dating to get a wife, dating is just another word for sleeping around. Courtship is different, its intentional. Dating guys get into five or six year relationships and have never even met the family.”

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