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Lucy Natasha and her husband Stanley Carmel joyously marked their second wedding anniversary in a recent celebration.

Natasha took to her social media account and penned a sweet massage to him, “Happy 2nd Wedding Anniversary Hubby. My support system, my king, my no. 1 cheerleader, my confidant, my cover, my prayer partner, my destiny partner.

Meeting you was definitely the best thing that happened to me & following you was the best decision I have taken @stanleycarmel. Doing ministry and life with you Babe is the highlight of my life! Thank you for allowing me to serve God’s purpose for this Generation! We pray for all singles desiring marriage for marital settlement this year 2024.”

While Carmel was grateful for the beautiful life he has with Natasha, “Happy 2nd Anniversary to my baby Tasha….! I love you big! You are still rocking my world! Thanks for walking beside me! Makes me so proud to call you my wifey! He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour of the Lord. @revlucynatasha , you are my good thing!

I am grateful that God blessed me so immensely when He gave me you! May our love grow stronger and burn brighter to the end of time. You are the greatest blessing God has ever bestowed upon me my Queen @revlucynatasha We pray You will meet the person who loves you unconditionally, who brings out the best in you, and who will walk with you in faith.”

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