Yvonne Kanyi, girlfriend of renowned actor Brian Ogola, recently opened up about her delivery, recounting the highs and lows of her delivery experience.
The digital creator was busy creating content when noticed subtle signs of labor, “It is actually exactly two weeks from when it happened. It was a Wednesday mid morning to afternoon and I was feeling something’s happening. I thought it was Braxton Hicks because it was nothing too intense. I was at the store creating content. I kept feeling like I had to sit down because it was starting to become intense. Towards 9pm the contractions became intense, it came after every 20 minutes.”
At 3am she was rushed to the hospital when she realised she was in labor, “At 3am I called my doctor and I’m like, ‘I think I’m in labor.’ She said I go to the hospital and have them check how dilated I am. The vaginal exam showed I was 2cm dilated.
They admitted me to the labor ward by the next day at 12:30pm. My parents came to check up on me and I had only dilated 4cm. I was so mad because it had been 8 hours. One thing that really helped me was the affirmations that I had in my mind. I just keep chatting throughout the contractions, ‘I’m strong my body is built for this.’”
When the baby’s heartbeat started dropping, Yvonne had to undergo an emergency caesarean section, “At 7pm my doctor came to check me again and I was only 6cm dilated. She broke my water and mucus plug and hours later I started feeling like I wanted to poop. The nurse checked me and I was still 6cm dilated.
Unfortunately they realised when a contraction was coming up, the baby’s heartbeat was dropping. I had to go into an emergency C section. I was traumatised, tired, hungry, thirsty and in pain, just before midnight they took the baby out and they realised the baby had a cord on the neck and that was why the heartbeat kept dropping. The baby is doing fine.”