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Kenyan singer and Prophet, Lovy Elias Longomba of Revelation Church of Jesus in California, has shared his thoughts on how people view him based on his physical appearance.

Speaking to actor Nick Cannon on the Counsel Culture show, Prophet Lovy addressed his secular rappers look. “It’s not really about appearances. If you’re a man of God and you judge people by how they look, you really don’t know God. Because God’s help comes from the most unlikely places. You see, the problem is that people don’t read the Scriptures. This whole chapter is also talking about grooming, it’s talking about how you shouldn’t cut your hair on the side and you know, you shouldn’t cut your beard.

But they forget the context. They just talk about tattoos. They don’t talk about everything else that’s in there because then it challenges them because they don’t understand. It says don’t write on your body or tattoo your body for the dead. These were cultures of people around me who were African. I know that. Jesus didn’t come to save that (tapping his tattoos), he came to save your soul, not your body,” said Lovy.

In January 2024, prophet Lovy dedicated Nick Cannon and her baby mama Abby De La Rosa children Zion, Zillion and Beautiful. The Kenyan singer officiated the ceremony at his church located in Los Angeles. “Mark 10:14 says “Let the children come to me, do not hinder them, for they belong to the kingdom of God.” Such a true blessing for our family to have Zion, Zillion and Beautiful dedicated to the Most High.

 It is our duty and assignment to raise our children up in the way they should go and when they are older they will not depart from the Lord. Such an amazing moment in time and space and as for us and our house we shall serve the Lord! Thank you @prophetlovy @magyptian_soal @revelationchurchla for blessing our family. We will never forget such a beautiful moment,” Nick and Abby wrote on their respective accounts.

Prophet Lovy shared a series of photos of the event and said, “The best decision parents can make is to give the gift that is our children back to God. Congratulations @hiabbydelarosa & @nickcannon.”

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