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The Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO) has granted a one-year license to the Performing and Audio-Visual Rights Society of Kenya (PAVRISK), as the only organisation responsible for collecting and distributing royalties to artists.

KECOBO Board Chairman Joshua Kutuny said the decision was made after a thorough vetting process. PAVRISK formerly known as PRISK – was picked out of five interested Collective Management Organizations (CMO) after demonstrating the ability to regulate the affairs of royalty collection and distribution.

The government also advised on the need to increase allocation of artistes to 70 percent  of the royalties collected. The board has also noted lack of transparency in collection  and distribution of royalties which has resulted in  suffering of artistes, led to enhanced corruption and looting of artistes hard earned money,” said Kutuny.

The four other CMOs that had applied for the licence included; the Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK), Film Makers Rights Achievers of Kenya (FRAK), Kenya Association of Music Producers (KAMP), and Collective Management Services.

To cure the wrangles between the CMOs and to make it easy to regulate the affairs of royalty collection and distribution, the Board approved the licensing of a single organization to manage all the rights in the music sector. This will help cut costs and increase royalty distribution to artists to at least 70 per cent of the collection.” stated Kutuny.

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