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Kenyan actor Lenana Kariba has revealed his pride and joy in taking on the role of a stay-at-home dad while balancing his career in the entertainment industry.

In a candid social media post, Lenana shared his experiences and encouraged other fathers to embrace active parenting. “Yep, I’m 100% a stay-at-home dad and it’s the best. We are lucky with our setup as wifey works from home in the UK. So for lunchtime and little breaks, she comes and plays with us but I definitely take the lead in childcare during the week,” said Lenana

To my men, what are you waiting for? Daddy life is awesome and it makes sense financially. Trust me, you will have the best time watching your little one grow,” he added.

Kariba has successfully managed to balance his career and family life, making regular trips back to Kenya for acting projects and content creation. His diverse income sources, including passive income from assets in Kenya, have allowed him to enjoy a flexible and fulfilling lifestyle in the UK.

This is how it works for wifey and I. I make money coming back to Kenya for acting work. I still do content creation work and have some other passive income from assets I own in Kenya. That’s given me the freedom to be very chilled in the UK. So I keep my income in Kenya, and we use it when we are there and for building our new home,” Lenana explained.

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