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Renowned musician Vivian has caused a stir on social media with her recent comments about Christianity

Speaking in a video, Vivian expressed her skepticism about Christianity, describing it as a system rooted in control and fear, “Can I tell you why I don’t believe in Christianity? I don’t think I had a choice. The foundation of Christianity is control and fear,” Vivian began. 

She shared her concerns about living life according to a single book, which she feels imposes rigid guidelines on individual identity and morality. “It is living your life, your whole existence, out of a book, all your choices, everything about who you are, being determined by one book,” Vivian stated. “Someone can hate you, condemn you, ostracise you, belittle you, dehumanise you and justify all of these actions to this one book, which they call the holy book—that’s wrong.”

The singer said her belief is in the power of the human soul, creativity, and universe. “I believe in the power of our souls. I believe in the power of creation, in the power of creativity. I believe that we are a part of a bigger world, a big universe. We are all connected.”

She also raised concerns about the portrayal of women in Christianity, noting that the faith often places women in secondary roles. “The book makes women an afterthought, because the man, the male, was created, and then the woman was created to serve the man, yet it is the woman who creates and carries life in her body.”

Vivian’s critique extended to what she perceives as the manipulative aspects of organised religion. “I have been to Bible school. It was dreadful. I have been in a relationship with someone who called himself a kingdom ambassador. But the level of pain, manipulation, and control that is there can only lead you to your death. So believe me when I tell you, Christianity is a cult.

She advised her fans to take control of their own lives and spiritual journeys, free from the constraints of religious institutions. “You and I must take power into our own hands. We must understand that we hold the power to be, to create, to expand, to grow, to elevate, to speak freedom, to speak light, to speak love.”

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