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Content creator Marya Okoth has split with her comedian baby daddy YY.

Taking to her Instagram page, Marya shared the reasons for their separation. “Hello and good morning. We are saddened to let you know that Marya Okoth and YY Comedian will no longer be together due to unavoidable circumstances. Thank you for your love and support through our union. We expect individual privacy from each one of you. Thanks,”  she wrote.

Recently, Okoth opened up about being paralysed after giving birth. In an interview with Mungai Eve, Marya said paralysis started months after giving birth. “After four months, there was a time I was sleeping, and I tried to switch positions, but I could not feel my leg. I literally felt as though they had chopped one of my one leg. I woke up and told Oliver I could not feel my legs and he called an ambulance and I was taken to hospital,” she said. 

Upon arriving to hospital she was informed she had blood clots which were dangerous for her body, “I was told I had blood clots on my leg. I had to be admitted after the clots dissolved I still could not feel my leg. It was so bad they told me I had to go for an MRI. They realised I had a fluid in my spine which affected my nerves. I stayed in hospital for months.” 

She regretted missing out on her baby’s crucial stages, “I left my daughter at home she was four month by the time I saw her she was already sitting down and eating solid food. I felt so guilty.”

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