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Singer-turned-activist, Kasmuel McOure has responded to threats of de-platforming following criticism from a section of Kenyans for not addressing Morara Kebaso attack during a recent event at Bomas. 

McOure, known for his outspoken nature, took to X account to share his thoughts on the matter. “Why would anyone threaten me with deplatforming? The real challenge is deplatforming me from your mothers’ hearts because they see beyond the BS and sensationalism you’re trying to advance,” McOure wrote. 

Adding, “Even if you take me back to 400 followers where I was four months ago, I don’t care. Make it quick! Can you make your grandparents forget me though?

He maintained that his focus is on advocating for the marginalised and fighting for real change. “I’ve consistently said a revolution is not a popularity contest. I went to the streets because I was sick and tired of the miserable lives my people and I were living. We went to the streets because we had nothing to lose but our miserable lives,” he said. 

Addressing his critics, Kamuel stated his commitment to fighting for social justice even if it costs him his popularity, work, or life. “I don’t need anyone’s approval to do what’s right for our country. I will fight for the betterment of our people’s social and material conditions, as well as for the stability of our country,” he said. 

If this will cost me popularity, so be it. The Internet has never liked me anyway. If it will cost me work, so be it. Our youth are languishing in unemployment. If it will cost me my life, I’ve said it time without number, so be it.

McOure reiterated his dedication to speaking truth and advocating for a better Kenya, “I shall do my honest part, speak truth to power at any opportunity I get, while advocating for a stable Kenya for all of us to thrive. Inawezekana! If you don’t like the way I agitate for change, go out and be the change you want to see.”

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