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In an incident that has stirred emotions nationwide, Carole Mutunga, a young Kenyan woman, found herself abandoned at the altar last Saturday, October 19, when her fiancé failed to appear for their wedding ceremony

In a viral video posted online on the day of the wedding, Carole shared how she had been waiting for him for over four hours, “Tell me why I am seated here for more than four hours waiting to be married. When they tell you men can leave you in the desert without water. This is what they mean.”

On Monday, Carole followed up with an update, recounting the emotional challenges she faced over the weekend. “It’s been a rough weekend, as you all can imagine,” she shared. “Men will not only turn you into motivational speakers; they will turn you into a content creator. I already got a ring light so I can update you all. No, I didn’t get married because he did not show up.” 

She described how her family attempted to console her, suggesting he might have been in an accident. “That day my mum was like maybe he got into an accident and everyone had an explanation to try and make me feel better. But he called and he was like you wanted us to trend and I was like I did not even mention your name,” she stated.

As she weighs on whether to continue her relationship with her longtime partner she says she is yet to make her final decision. “There are a lot of things in my head right now because I’m still trying to process the whole thing. As much as most people are like, ‘leave him he never deserved you.’ But I have been with this man for years. I feel like one little mistake should not make me leave him. I should give him a chance but I have not decided yet,” she admitted.

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