Celebrated Kenyan showbiz veteran DJ Pinye has addressed claims made by DJ Stylez regarding a 1998 incident during the Lost Boyz concert at KICC.
DJ Stylez, in a recent viral TikTok post, accused DJ Pinye of locking him out of a chance to perform during what would have been his debut on a major stage. DJ Pinye reflected on the incident, acknowledging his actions. “Back in my late 20s, I thought I was untouchable. I was at the peak of my game, unbwogable, and riding high on my own hype. Then one day, out of nowhere, this kid rolls up to the Lost Boyz concert and has the audacity to ask if he could play. Can you imagine? Of course, I shot him down without a second thought. I moved on and forgot about it—until a while later, some friends dragged me to this event they were hyped about. And there he was.”
He decided to team up with DJ Stylez, “That pesky kid was on the decks, pulling off the slickest scratches and funky juggles I’d ever seen. The crowd was eating it up, and to top it off, the ladies couldn’t get enough. As I watched, I was hit by a sinking realisation: ‘Oh my goodness, I’m finished.’ But then, the strategist in me kicked in. As Sun Tzu famously said, ‘Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.’ I knew that teaming up with him might be the smartest move I’d ever make. I’m sure DJ Stylez has his version of how it all went down.”
DJ Stylez had earlier recounted the night with frustration, describing how he had been excited for his big break only to be left standing backstage with his records, while DJ Pinye performed for hours. Stylez termed it a humbling experience and vowed never to work with Pinye.
“This guy never said anything to me. Dude just got off the deck, walked away. I remember my friends coming backstage asking me, like, bro, what happened? I literally had no answer. This guy left me standing right there. Some of my friends were laughing at me. I remember from that day I told myself, I’m never gonna work with this guy, ever. The guy did not even say hi. He didn’t even give me a glimpse when I was standing right there on the side of that stage. He never said anything to me. And let me tell you that was one of the most humbling experiences I have ever been through my life.”