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Renowned media personality Dennis Okari is producing more than just news headlines, he’s now growing fresh, organic vegetables as part of a personal journey to healthier living. 

Through a  social media post titled Time to Grow, Learn, and Thrive, Okari shared his inspiring story of venturing into farming and encouraged his followers to embrace new challenges this year. 

He revealed that his passion for farming began in 2024 after watching numerous instructional videos. Determined to provide clean, fresh vegetables for his family, he adopted a sustainable, soil-free farming approach that allows year-round cultivation without the need for fertilizers, pesticides, or weeding. “I wanted to enjoy clean, fresh, organic veggies together with my family,” he shared. “I also wanted to grow them all week, all month, all year, regardless of the weather. Yes, I did it. It feels amazing and rewarding despite a few challenges here and there.” 

He challenged his followers to try something new in 2025, “Step out and try something new this year. Let’s make 2025 the year of growth.” 

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